I was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. I studied Architectural Design and English and have followed several diverse career paths through the years. From my childhood onwards, I have always liked sketching, painting and creating things with my hands, using a variety of materials while letting my mind and imagination roam free. In 2003, in an attempt to find new ways to express myself, I took pottery classes taught by George Vavatsis at a local community center, and clay instantly became my life's obsession. To counterbalance the lack of a formal ceramics education, I have been reading a lot, experimenting a lot, pushing myself and my materials to the limits a lot, risking a lot, failing a lot, occasionally succeeding and starting all over again.
I currently live and create in Hoorn, the Netherlands, where I reside with my husband Bart of bART pottery forms (www.bartkeramiekvormen.nl)